DAV Jsg encourages every student to engage in a rich and diverse student life. From Playgroup to Grade 12, our school supports a comprehensive range of academic, extracurricular, sports, field trip, community service, and art programmers that aim to stimulate as well as inspire student participation. Extracurricular has always been an integral part our school since its inceptions. Due to this emphasis on CCA activities our school has produced some great writers, athletics and philosophers over the years.The school aims to develop control, co-ordination and mastery of the body, learnt through action, sensation and observation. Opportunities are provided to grow and develop through dance, athletics, games and indoor, outdoor and adventurous activities.In addition to academic achievement, we strive to provide experiences that contribute to the physical, social and emotional development of all our students. We offer a broad range of school clubs and initiatives designed to further enrich student life at DAV Jsg.

The children are encouraged to be spontaneously creative, using a variety of media and techniques in art and craftwork. An awareness of color, shape, balance, focus and proportion are developed alongside the use of symbols to convey ideas and feelings. The study of a wide range of artists, craftspeople and designers complements this work.The teaching of music is based upon the fact that it is a creative and social art to be enjoyed. Children have the opportunity to enjoy musical experiences through listening, singing, movement and dance.